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Step Stools

Step Stool, Step Stool with Handle, Heavy Duty Step Stool, Metal Step Stool
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Step Stools are a valuable safety device in most homes, offices and work places. We carry several step stools including metal step stools, step stools with handles, heavy duty step stools and step stools safe for an MRI environment.Step stools should be in every home. Falls are the single biggest cause of preventalbe accidents in the home and on the job. A lot of these falls occur when a person is using a chair, bucket or coffee table as a step stool to reach something on a high shelf. These are poor replacements for a step stool and can actually cause more accidents than they prevent. Step stools are designed for this purpose and are build to be stable and safe. Some step stools have a handle that reaches to about waist high. This handle serves 2 functions. One it helps that user onto the step, and two it provides stability and balance while using. Buy a step stool for each room where they may be needed..