Chairs for the Elderly and Convalescent

chairs for the elderly and convalescent, elderly chairs, elderly recliners and convalescent chairs .
Scroll down to see our selection of chairs for the elderly and convalescent for sale.Chairs for the Elderly and Convalescent Amoung our large selection of chairs and seating product, is our section containg our chairs for the elderly and convalescent which offers some of our most frequently requested items. Our chairs for the elderly and convalescent come in several different brands and styles including elderly reliners in the popular Drive, Lumes, and Winco brands. We carry bariatric elderly recliners, and Tilt-N-Space elderly recliners, as well as many differant options and accessories including molded fold down side trays, and chairs with casters.
What are Chairs for the Elderly and Convalescent ? Chairs for the Elderly and Convalescent are generally designed for those who may suffer from one or more maladies that prevent them from sitting on wood, plastic or steel chairs. An armless chair or a stool doesn't provide enough support for most senior citizens (especially when standing up), so often comfort and therapeutic value take precedence over décor and fashion. Upholstered, living room chairs with high seat backs provide sturdy support for an elderly person's back. A foam padded chair with armrests gives elderly people cushioning for their backs and something to grip onto if they have trouble standing up and Elastic open seat base provides the ultimate in comfort and support, options such as molded fold down side trays, Contoured Headrest, lateral supports and body supports, IV pole attachments, rolling casters and fold down footrests may also be very helpful options for your chair.